Reading one-on-one provides great leaps in reading fundamentals
Carroll Reads is a federally-funded tutoring program aimed at helping children in Elementary grades refine reading and skills. Carroll Reads began as a pilot program in spring 2010. It is modeled after the America Reads program, a national grassroots tutoring program. America Reads was founded in 1997 and though the program is now archived, there are still active America Reads chapters throughout the country with new ones being formed on a regular basis.
For more information or to apply for a tutoring position, please email, call 216.397.4698, or stop by the CSSA office in SIH 32. Tutors must qualify for Federal Work Study to be paid.
Look for us on Handshake to apply! JCU students must be eligible for Federal Work Study. Applications are open NOW!
“Having additional tutoring help allows students who are in need of one-on-one attention an opportunity to work with someone who is there just to support them. Outside of tutoring, our volunteers also serve an important mentoring/role modeling function.”